Stroke Specialist

RIA Neurovascular
Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery & Endovascular Neurosurgical Radiologists located in Englewood near Denver, Colorado
According to researchers, as many as 795,000 Americans suffer a stroke every year, and 140,000 die as a result. For men and women living in or around Denver, Colorado, the team at RIA Neurovascular is a valuable resource for stroke care. Stroke is a medical emergency. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of a stroke, BEFAST (Balance loss, Eyesight changes, Face drooping, Arm/leg weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 911), and call 911 immediately.
Stroke Q & A
What is a stroke?
A stroke is a medical event that occurs when one of the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to your brain is damaged. These events rob your brain of the blood it needs to survive, and brain cell death follows.
An ischemic stroke takes place when a blood clot obstructs the flow of blood to your brain. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to your brain ruptures. A transient ischemic attack happens when a clot blocks blood flow temporarily.
A stroke can affect many aspects of normal bodily function. The effects depend on which brain cells die as a result of stroke. Researchers believe that as many as 80% of strokes are preventable with the proper care.
What can I do to prevent a stroke?
There are many steps you can take to lower your risk of stroke. Making positive changes can also boost your overall health and wellness and reduce your risk of many other health problems.
Some great prevention tips include:
- Lowering blood pressure
- Losing weight if needed
- Exercise more often
- Get screened for diabetes
- Evaluate your drinking habits and cut down to one glass a day
- Quit smoking
All of these steps are easier said than done, but there are some excellent resources and support networks that can help you make lifestyle improvements.
What is stroke care?
If you have narrowed blood vessels or a blood clot has been identified, some treatments can help avoid a stroke. One approach called thrombectomy uses an incredibly thin catheter to enter a blood vessel and remove a blood clot to restore blood flow to the brain.
Medications can also help by dissolving blood clots or thinning your blood. Some medications are used in a preventive approach, while others are put into action immediately after a stroke.
If an aneurysm is detected a procedure called aneurysm embolization can help keep the affected vessel open. The process involves inserting one or more platinum coils or other devices into your artery where they act to seal off the aneurysm to reduce the risk of rupture.
Intracranial balloon angioplasty and intracranial stenting can restore proper blood flow to your brain by placing pressure on vessel walls to compact plaque and allow room for blood to flow.
In the event your specialist detects an arteriovenous malformation, or a tangle of abnormal blood vessels, an embolization procedure can block those vessels and reduce the risk of rupture.
To explore these and other stroke care options in more detail, call or schedule an appointment online today.
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Strokemore info
Hemorrhagemore info
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